Trusting In The In-Between

When life as you know is changing, yet your new path is yet to emerge, and you find yourself at a crossroads suspended between the old and the new. Walk with us to explore trusting in this in-between space as we transition into the new energy of transformation.

Tuesday 6th August, 7:00pm AEST

What We’ll Cover

Exploring the current energy shifts in the collective.

The in-between space and the emotional and psychological impacts that may arise being in this transitional space.

Strategies for dealing with the uncertainty and the unknown, and how to stay grounded.

Guided meditation to assist you in connecting with your inner guidance.

How to sit in this space and most importantly, embrace it.

How to harness the potential of the in-between space for your personal growth and practices to integrate the new energy.

We welcome you to join us in this webinar to explore how life is changing rapidly as huge energy shifts occur clearing out the old.

Yet for many of us, our new path is yetto emerge. This finds us at a crossroads, suspended between the old and the new.

Meet Your Facilitators

Louise Fewtrell

Louise is a Shamanic Practitioner and has developed a deeply integrative style in her work to assist people in their spiritual journey. Her approach is a blend of traditional shamanic practices and modern therapeutic techniques, creating a unique and holistic framework for healing and growth.

By combining elements of energy healing and shamanism, Louise focuses on the mind, body, and spirit as interconnected parts of a whole. This allows her to guide individuals through healing experiences, helping them navigate their inner landscapes and align with their true selves. Louise has a strong commitment to facilitating personal empowerment and spiritual awakening in her clients.

Jamie-Lee Jones

Jamie has a love and deep appreciation for the rhythm of life and cycles we each experience on our journey. She holds a deep respect for the land and a knowing of the gifts the earth holds and the profound healing it can bring when connected back to it. Jamie’s approach is spiritual and honours the individual, gently guiding them to unlock and acknowledge their own wisdom to strengthen their own inner knowing. She uses a range of healing modalities to assist in bringing her clients back into equilibrium and back to themselves. Jamie is a qualified Holistic Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Youth worker and Energy Healer. Weaving her skills together along with her own intuition, deep connection to spirit, the angelic realms and most importantly her heart, Jamie will move through whatever you are experiencing with you step-by-step from a place of flow, grace and love to support you on your journey.

Learn to trust where you are

90-minute live wisdom session on Zoom with Louise and Jamie in a closed, private group setting.

Q&A time for you to get guidance on what you’re moving through.

The recording will be emailed to you if you can’t make the live session.

Guided meditation recording.

Disclaimer: The content provided in this webinar is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional therapy or counselling
